the grass is greener on the internet

Make me care
May 12, 2009, 11:26 pm
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In true Gen Y apathy**, two campaigns confusing me at the moment:

Hungry Jack’s – that’s Burger King for the rest of the world

…has recently launched a campaign taking advantage of the new demand-based pricing strategy by their competitor who will remain anonymous. HJ/BK’s proudly says they will offer you the same price for the same product in all stores.

Really? That’s lovely. Know anybody who actually cares?

It’s not the Cola wars, and this is no Pepsi taste test. The media caused a bit of a ruckus about the new pricing but McDonalds regulars haven’t really raised their voices in complaint.

Same as when McDonalds went healthy and HJ/BK’s said ‘we don’t care, our burgers taste better’. Nobody ever picked on them for health – it’s all Micky D’s. So…same price is nice, but you’ll need more to get them in the door.

Twix, by the lovely people from Mars

If you happen to be bored and preferably not hungry, head over to the Twix website. They’ve designed a game where you have to ‘help the guy get the girl’.

It’s pretty simple…average American college guy goes to party, really wants to pick up girl. He is beset on by several obstacles in his quest, but lucky for him he gets time to ‘chew it over’ and decide what to do (while you hear glorified munching and wish this guy had never been born).

Perhaps I set my standards too high for hypothetical women in advertising, but by the end of the game the only thing that impressed me about the main character was his complete lack of charisma. Didn’t want to help him. Also very sick of munching noises.

What I’m trying to say is: make me care. I – your hypothetical consumer – am not sitting here hanging out for your next move, hoping you’ll succeed. I don’t make it my business to know everything going on in your industry. If you bore me, I go away.

[**NB: also strongly versed in Gen Y irony.]