the grass is greener on the internet

Free ads on SBS
February 27, 2009, 9:13 am
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As part of their ‘six billion stories and counting’ branding SBS has announced that they will be offering free advertising for NGOs and other charitable organisations that want to tell their story.

Can’t find this on their website – does anyone know where info can be found or what the conditions will be?

November 28, 2008, 11:19 pm
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Have been wondering…with TiVo and the prevalance of online tv, what’s the future for paid tv services like Foxtel?

The previous differentiation for Foxtel was that there were more tv stations with content that didn’t make it to free tv.

Already, this posed the problem that most people didn’t know what they were missing out on until they’d seen it. With exorbitant setup costs, they weren’t likely to either.

Now, with a large number of people turning to illegal Chinese streaming sites to get their premium tv fix, even the free tv stations are struggling. Many have started picking up US tv shows as they’re released in order to maintain their viewing base.

But what can Foxtel offer me that I can’t get otherwise?