the grass is greener on the internet

You got Poken.
January 16, 2011, 8:37 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

An intriguing concept came up in my email – what if you could have a social media business card?

We’ve already had the social media resumé, courtesy of Brazen Careerist. And it’s not unheard of to have a QR code on your business card for easy reference (nice work Lee Hopkins).

But how about being able to electronically zap someone all of your social media profiles when you meet?

Well lookie here…

Poken tokens like this little fellow can store all that info – then transmit it when touched with another Poken.

It could definitely be the new higher-tech way of getting connected. But will they get enough of a membership for the service to be valuable?

Well…check out Poken and let me know what you think!

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Caveat: we sell these in the US at, so you might think this post biased.

Lots of people use them, and we’re seeing a much bigger following at trade shows and events, because they’re so much easier than using paper business cards.

One of the things that we need to tout more about this product is the fact that once you sign up, your address book with all your friends’ emails, contact information and screen names is stored on the highly secure server.

Because it’s all there, you can access all that data from anywhere anytime even if you don’t have your Poken. Plus, when someone you’ve already Poken’d with adds a service, changes a screen name or opens a new account, if they add it to their Poken, you’ll know right away. It’s a nice way to keep track of all your friends.

Comment by Steve

Hi Katherine,

You need to note that Poken doesn’t really work in a social environment unless everyone has it.

At the moment, it is more targeted in a controlled environment such as conferences, tradeshows, events, etc. where each participant is given one and they can use it to network with others.

Pokens are also great list builders for individuals who use email marketing as one of their marketing strategies as emails addresses of people whom you have ‘Poken’, can be exported into CSV formats to be imported into mailing lists. No longer will you have to manually enter the email addresses in business cards that you’ve collected in events.

Poken Island
Singapore’s only authorized Poken reseller

Comment by Christopher

You can also use apps like ‘Bump’ on the ubiquitous iPhone to exchange contact details

Comment by Lee Hopkins

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